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About Us

Karwar Rural Women and Children Development Society (KRWCDS) is a registered voluntary organization working mainly in the rural villages and urban slums and urban areas of uttara kannada district of Karnataka state. It works to build people’s movements and the people’s organizations at various levels to bring out an integrated sustainable human and natural resources development. It also works to facilitate the process of changes on the governmental policies through people’s power and the networking of various organizations at manifold levels. 

Legal Status

KRWCDS is a registered under Karnataka societies registration act 1960, under no.35/86-87, dated 22nd September 1986 at Karwar. It is also registered under FCRA dated 13th July 1987.

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Enlightenment, Empowerment, Entitlement, Enlargement, Enrichment  & Embodiment through critical objective assessment, structural  changes & partnership approaches


Enlightenment:  To build up more information on their poverty situations, status, structural and strategic realities.


Empowerment:   Based on the above information’s, people and stakeholders are to become powerful to handle their poverty based realities (situation, status and structural) through their organization.


Entitlement:   These organizations are to become rights consciousness to bring about on the basis of their right centered legal awareness and to initiate rights centered action & plans for further changes.


Enlargement: these entitled groups will need to grow further enlarged  to promote the larger responsibilities for integral development.


Embodiment:  to complement the above processes, the organizations have to become a part and parcel of the institution so as to work in the spirit of complimentarily and network with other like minded organizations.


Enrichment:  this is to become rich human being more and more internally and externally, socially, economically, constitutionally, culturally, environmentally.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Building a just, democratic free, gender sensitive, poverty sensitive, equitable & sustainable society.

Our Objectives

  1. To organize the rural unorganized women sector and the children through formation of association which will assure as the centre of unity and social forum for the community.

  2. To conduct regular training's to the women and the children through a seminar and work shop in the leadership, unity co-operation, management through development skills in problem solving and administration i.e, organizing  recording accounting preparing presentations.

  3. To inculcate the saving attitude by starting saving schemes for women and children

  4. To improve the educational standard of the rural children through supplementary education and allied activities

  5. To develop and to bring out the hidden talents of the children through annual sports, arts and cultural competition to be organized in village and central levels.

  6. To organize community credit fund for the productive purpose like purchase of seeds, fertilizers and harvesting. This will reduce their dependence on the money lenders and improve their socio-economic self-reliance.

  7. To have a more self-reliant permanent system of health through selection of local women. She will be trained to be a community health worker

  8. To build up the awareness of the rural women on the importance of curative, preventive and promotive health through education and various training

  9. To open, found, establish, maintain and assist the poor destitute, widows and orphans of all faiths and communities.

  10. To start, maintain and assist in relief measure in those parts which are to be subjected to natural calamities as like famine, fire and flood.


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