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Well Construction

KRWCDS in its agriculture development project took initiatives in many agriculture development sectors. One of it is the well construction. KRWCDS along with the help of the local village Constructed a Well in one of the remote villages of Karwar district. 

Agriculture Development Program

Agriculture is the mainstay of people, especially in the rural hinterland.  However, unless development in the agriculture does not keep pace with change in favor of customer needs, preferences and significant challenges related to climatic conditions, the plight of farmers will continue to remain unfavorable.

KRWCDS works closely  to provide technical support to farmers, equipping them with knowledge, skills and know-how while also building linkages to vibrant market is driven platforms and networks giving a boost to the agriculture economy.

Our project is focused on making agriculture more productive, innovative, sustainable, remunerative and climate resilient by promoting integrating farming techniques. In this regard, project team works to bring behavior change by generating awareness among farmers about paddy burning, alternative technologies and other government schemes, and conduct advocacy meetings with the government officials to integrate alternative solutions.


Project Highlights

  • To achieve rapid increase in the level of agriculture production through a concentration of financial, technical, extension and administrative resources;

  • To achieve a self-generating breakthrough in productivity and to raise the production potential by stimulating lthe human and physical process of change;

  • To demonstrate the most effective ways of increasing production and thus, to provide lessons for extending such intensified agricultural production programes to other areas.

  •  Developing wastelands/degraded lands, drought-prone and desert areas on watershed basis, keeping in view the land capability, site-conditions and local needs.

  • Restoring ecological balance by harnessing, conserving and developing natural resources i.e. land, water and vegetative cover.


Agriculture Development

When India got freedom, 80% of people are agricultural farmers (Agricultural labourers, small and marginal farmers, big agricultural farmers). Today it had struck to 55% because of many environmental reasons, natural calamities and policies at various levels. To remedy such situation, a small measure by the people of our working areas had been undertaken so that these interior rural farmers may survive and to revive old agricultural practices. Such as,

  1. Agricultural Trainings.

  2. Encouraging waste land development through cultivation of arecanut, mangoes, coconut, flower plants, Bananas, Pine apple, Black pepper.

  3. Indoor and outdoor, Pvt and community level kitchen gardens.

  4. Fertilizer distribution.

  5. Construction of scientific comport pets.

  6. Local, traditional seeds collection centres and distribution.

  7. Agricultural instruments distribution on no loss and no gain basis.

  8. Tiller utilization at the community level.

  9. Diary development for women.

  10. Mushroom cultivation and marketing.

  11. Local Honey collection and marketing.

  12. NTFP – Non Timber Forest Production, collection and marketing – local incenses, pickles, Jack fruit, chips, cockum, traditional brooms.

  13. Local basket weaving collection, marketing unit – at Ulluvi village by way of sustainable management.

Some of Our Activities Under Agriculture Project


Sapling Distribution 

KRWCDS under its agriculture project distributed coconut saplings and other plants to the farmers so that they can turn their wasteland into productive land.  This activity was conducted into many remote villages of Karwar district.


Distribution of Power Tiller 

Power tillers were distributed to farmers by the KRWCDS team, so that the farmer could get help in preparing the land for sowing, sowing seeds, pumping water,harvesting etc. This initiative was taken by KRWCDS under the agriculture development project.


Construction of Compost Pit


KRWCDS constructed many compost pit's in the remote areas of Karwar district. These pits were constructed with the aim to provide farmers ,a way to use organic manure  for their crops which is got by the use of compost pit.

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