Disaster Relief And Emergency Program
KRWCDS considers disaster preparedness and response as a critical aspect of its organisational mandate and has a ‘Disaster Preparedness and Response Strategy’ in place.
KRWCDS is able to make timely decisions while deploying trained team members and of relief items stocks during emergencies.
During these challenging and uncertain times, the KRWCDS is committed in supporting the world’s most vulnerable communities. As lockdowns are being imposed around the world, the impact of the covid-19 pandemic has put an enormous strain on vulnerable groups, especially migrants, women and children.
Many of our frontline workers have obtained government passes allowing them to travel and provide emergency assistance to the most vulnerable communities.
Project Highlights
Emergency relief to affected groups, including food, shelter, sanitation needs, protective equipment for shelter staff, transportation, healthcare-related costs.
Distribute essential food item and preventive kits to the communities
Make available Hygiene kits in rural areas.
Supporting poor migrant workers who have returned to their native villages.
Some of Our Activities Under Emergency Project
Rice Bag Distribution
KRWCDS under its emergency and disaster management project distributed the rice bags to the rural families in the wake of covid-19 pandemic. This helped the families that were hit due to nation wide lockdown.
Fire Safety Programme
Fire safety program was conducted by the KRWCDS team to make people understand the required precautionary measures to be taken during a sudden fire outbreak.
Such programmes are regularly conducted by the KRWCDS team.
Utensils Distribution
Utensils distribution programme was done by the KRWCDS team to provide relief measures to the flood and land slide affected people. Under this programme utensils which were required as a daily necessity were been distributed to the affected areas.